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Elway Bevin(Beven, Bevan)(1554 - 1638) | ||
a browning of 3 voc. >>> The Baldwin Collenction No.117 |
ATB à3 |
"By mirthe much sicknes" iii voc >>> The Baldwin Collenction No.196 |
ATB à3 |
"I had both monie & frende" iii voc >>> The Baldwin Collenction No.188 |
ATB à3 |
In Nomine I à5 Comment MP3 MIDI Score Soprano Alto Tenor12 Bass |
SATTB à5 |
In Nomine II à5 Comment MP3 MIDI Score Soprano Alto Tenor12 Bass |
SATTB à5 |
"Lord whoe shall dwell" iii voc >>> The Baldwin Collenction No.195 |
ATB à3 |